CAL Bibliography output

CAL Bibliography for Samaritans


Ben-Zvi, I., ספר השומרונים. . Jerusalem: Yad Yitsḥaḳ Ben-Tsevi, 1970. Samaritans

Bowman, J., Samaritan Documents Relating to Their History, Religion and Life. Pittsburgh Original Text and Translations Series 2. Pittsburgh: Pickwick Press, 1977. Samaritans

Crown, A.D., "The Samaritans, their Literature and the Codicology of their Manuscripts." Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archeological Society 15 (1997): 87–104. Samaritans Samar SamarTg

Hjelm, Ingrid, The Samaritans and Early Judaism: A Literary Analysis. JSOTSup . Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000. Samaritans

Anderson, R.T. and Giles, T., The Keepers, An Introduction to the History and Culture of the Samaritans. . Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 2002. Samaritans

Mor, Menachem, From Samaria to Shechem, The Samaritan Community in Antiquity. . Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, 2003. Samaritans

Anderson, R.T. and Giles, T., Tradition Kept, The Literature of the Samaritans. . Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 2005. Samaritans

Florentin, M., "Normative Decisions that Mold Languages: The Samaritans' and the Jews' Cases [Heb]," in Bar-Asher, Moshe and Florentin, M., Samaritan, Hebrew and Aramaic Studies, presented to Professor Abraham Tal. Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2005. Pp. 59–71. Samaritans

Kasher, A., "הבוטחים בהר שומרון ," in Bar-Asher, Moshe and Florentin, M., Samaritan, Hebrew and Aramaic Studies, presented to Professor Abraham Tal [Those Confident on the Hill of Samaria] , . Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2005. Pp. 23–39. Samaritans

Pummer, R., "The Samaritans in Damascus," in Bar-Asher, Moshe and Florentin, M., Samaritan, Hebrew and Aramaic Studies, presented to Professor Abraham Tal, . Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2005. Pp. 53*–76*. Samaritans

Rothschild, J.-P., "ɉtat et perspectives de la recherche sur la halakhah samaritaine," in Bar-Asher, Moshe and Florentin, M., Samaritan, Hebrew and Aramaic Studies, presented to Professor Abraham Tal, . Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2005. Pp. 77*–104*. Samaritans SamarTg

Stenhouse, P., "Surviving Samaritan Literature and the Sources of AbÅ« )l-Fath's Chronicle," in Bar-Asher, Moshe and Florentin, M., Samaritan, Hebrew and Aramaic Studies, presented to Professor Abraham Tal, . Jerusalem: Bialik Institute, 2005. Pp. 105*–45*. Samaritans

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